Table Mountain Dental

The Purpose of an Oral Surgeon in Dentistry

The Purpose of an Oral Surgeon in Dentistry

Posted by Dr. Craig Cardon on Mar 21 2022, 07:47 AM

An oral surgeon does more than you know. They are dental experts who are trained to perform specialized services such as administration of anesthesia, dental implant surgery, and corrective jaw surgery. Their training is usually focused on the skin, bones, tissues, and muscles of the face, mouth, and jaw. 

Oral surgeons have more training than regular dentists. A regular dentist and oral surgeon work together as a team to provide you with the most comprehensive dental care possible. They are exposed to a wide variety of complications that may occur during surgery. 

The following procedures are the most common dental issues addressed by an oral surgeon:

Tooth and Bone Loss

Dental implant surgery is done in many stages. The implants are used to replace the missing teeth with natural-looking artificial teeth. The specific details of a dental implant surgery vary according to the type of implants used and the condition of your jawbone. 

Impacted Wisdom Teeth 

The impaction of the wisdom tooth is a very common issue. Surgical removal of the impacted teeth is done when the wisdom tooth is unable to emerge from inside the jaw or gum tissue on its own. 

Congenital Jaw Defects

Birth defects cause abnormalities in the jaw. When the upper and the lower jaws do not develop at the same rate, your appearance becomes disfigured and the function of your jaws may suffer. Orthognathic surgery helps to improve your jaw alignment in such cases. 

Oral Pathology

Oral surgeons are experts in oral pathology. It is useful in diagnosing various oral conditions. They may examine tissues they find suspicious or use X-rays and other images to make a diagnosis and select the most suitable treatment for it. 

TMJ Disorders

Corrective jaw surgery is done to solve problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). It helps correct your bite and improve the fit of your dentures. 

Facial Trauma 

Oral surgery is necessary to reset the jaw when facial injuries result in a fractured or dislocated jaw. An oral surgeon can treat oral and facial injuries caused by trauma. 

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that is caused by a poorly positioned jaw or excessive soft tissues near your airway opening. 

It can be difficult to know what dental professional best meets your needs. Visit Table Mountain at 6410 Miller St #15, Arvada, CO 80004 for oral surgery. Contact us at (720) 749-2711 for any questions or concerns you have. Also, schedule an appointment online to visit us. 

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